Y Stadium updates

Y Stadium updates

In late 2023 The Y Southland was grateful to receive funding to modernise our Y Stadium – a huge indoor court space out the back of the gym. This is a well overdue development and we can’t wait to have a modern space to share with the community!

Here’s a run down of what’s happened so far:

  • We’ve removed the walkway
  • Put in brand new fire doors
  • Cleaned and painted the ceiling (an awesome vivid black!)
  • Put in new windows
  • Installed new LED lighting
  • Cleaned and painted the walls (we were as sad as our users to see the large mural gone, but it was peeling off the walls already and just couldn’t be saved)

And a brand new floor is scheduled to go in in early May.

As part of this work, the bathrooms that were in the stadium area are now no longer operational. We are going to be updating the main bathrooms (which will be available to stadium users). We will try to minimise disruption as best we can, and give as much notice as possible when this happens.  

A HUGE thank you to Community Trust South, ILT Foundation, the Murihiku Rūnaka and Rio Tinto/NZAS Community Development Fund and Lottery Community Facilities who have made this work possible.

All going well, work will be complete by June and we’ll be able to open the doors and share the space with the community – we can’t wait!